Holistic Nutritionist Naomi Lewis, MS empowers her clients to become healthier individuals from the inside out.


About naomi

Naomi specializes in paleo-based nutrition and the Whole30 program. She integrates her extensive culinary and nutrition background with her own life experience to guide her clients to health.



Autoimmune disease affects over 50 million Americans and women make up to 75% of the 50 million affected. This makes it very likely that you or someone you are close to experiences some form of autoimmune disease.



The goals of Whole30 are to identify food sensitivities, restore a healthy metabolism, heal the digestive track, balance the immune system, and stabilize mood. By accomplishing these goals Whole30 can help you. 


My version of Paleo is based on the core principles of ancestral eating. What does that mean? A whole lot of deliciousness – whole, unprocessed nutrient-dense foods. Many think this is a strict dietary regimen, but I beg to differ.